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BUND 39's unique bubble tents in all of Zurich. This image depicts a single bubble tent in a romantic setting behind a portable lantern.



深入体验外滩 39的泡泡屋的非凡体验,在这里舒适与浪漫遇上了无与伦比的氛围。我们的专属泡泡屋为您提供一个舒适的私人空间,在这里您可以在轻松的氛围中享受上海菜的精致。无论是浪漫的二人晚餐、特别的周年纪念,还是朋友之交, - 我们的泡泡屋提供非凡的美食体验。全方位体验隐私和舒适与气氛熏陶的环境相遇,并让星空下的夜晚有着魔都的魅力。 - 仅在外滩 39。

This image shows a single bubble tent from above, displaying it's cozyness and spaciousness. Up to six guests fit into a single bubble tent. the modern and popular rattan chairs inside the bubbles are covered with white furs while the table is covered by red cloth.
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